We are your affordable, virtual IT Department. There when you need us, always around when you don’t.
(808) 734-2936

A message from Kent Roller, President of Island Network Solutions,LLC.
Island Network Solutions, LLC is a Honolulu based IT support firm founded in 1991. For 25 years we have provided on-call and contract based IT services to small and medium sized organizations and individual business owners.
Our service is unique. For a modest monthly fee we visit your office at a prescribe day and time each week. Upgrades, training, consultations, and troubleshooting are addressed in a consistent and routine way. We also respond immediately to unscheduled problems.
Let’s face it. Computers and networking are a necessary cost of doing business. Like rent, electricity, and insurance, IT support should be considered a utility that you can’t afford to go without, provide yourself, or entrust to employees who take their knowledge with them when they resign. We are pro-active insurance, providing value on a regular and friendly basis. Our technicians are some of the finest people in the business. And while our technicians take care of the daily chores, Kent and the development branch of INS build custom databases, sales and invoice systems, web apps, and mobile apps.
We also partner with other technology providers in the area of VoIP phone systems, secure online document sharing, commercial cabling, and enterprise level Wi-fi and WAN communication.
The “Network” in Island Network Solutions does not mean wires and jacks. It means working with our pool of partners and associates – even your own IT team – to deliver right-sized solutions to achieve real world goals.
Call Kent any time to discuss how we can work together to stabilize, improve, and expand your IT tools to maximize their effectiveness.
Our Company Mission
The mission of Island Network Solutions is to provide Enterprise Class Performance in the Real World.
We are dedicated to delivering quality, fast, effective and
24/7 assistance to our small – medium business clients.
Our solutions are imaginative, outstandingly
powerful, but most importantly, field-tested. all at the lowest possible price
Our Vision
We will be the next giant IT Company locally and globally that direct you towards your business success.
WHo We Are
Our Team

Kent Roller

Melanie Oasay
Office Manager

Tayler Fernandez
Lead Technician

Jay-Anne Cunanan
Websites & Social Media